Category: News

Spin the Wheel!

Here’s an interesting article from The Book Standard about how books get attention after being published. There’s a good quote in there that we should all probably remind ourselves of from time to time. “When I finally came to peace with my novel-writing obsession was when I came to the conclusion that it is my…

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Cormac on Bestseller List

Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men was #8 on The New York Times bestseller list yesterday. Great news for one of our country’s greatest writers.

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Speaking of Harry Potter Pre-Orders

Publishers Weekly reported that “despite receiving 1.5 million advance orders for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Amazon only broke even on the title, the result of deep discounting and shpping incentives.” Many people have wondered why booksellers were discounting the Harry Potter novel at all since clearly readers would pay full price, heck, probably…

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Release Date for New Max Barry Announced

Max Barry provides some details on his website about the release date of his new book, Company. The author of Syrup and Jennifer Government says that his new novel will be out January 17, 2006. You can already pre-order it on Amazon so click here. Let’s build up Harry Potter-like pre-orders for all our favorite…

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Bad Writing Honored

I was never much of one for auto shop in high school, so I would have never thought to compare a woman’s anatomy to a carburetor, but that’s exactly what gearhead Dan McKay in Fargo, North Dakota did to win San Jose State University’s annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. A CNN article states “‘As he stared…

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