Category: News

Editor and Agent Moves

There has been a number of press items about editors and agents moving here and there. Here’s a roundup: MediaBistro reported that Maureen Graney has been named executive editor of The Globe Pequot Press. The website also reported that Steve Zeitchik is leaving Publishers Weekly after a tenure of nearly seven years in order to…

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The Role of Editors in Modern Publishing

This past weekend, there was an interesting article in The Guardian that discusses the role, if there even is one, of editors in modern publishing. The article mourns the passing of the truly hands-on, truly involved editor. The article says “tha sharp-dressed corporate beasts run the show, reluctant to make decisions of their own, and…

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First Contests, Now Book Reviews, What’s Next?

While I wholeheartedly support the idea of cleaning up the favoritism, cronyism, and old-boyism of the literary world, and although I definitely agree with trying to excise the bitterness, vindictiveness, and pettiness that permeates so many feuds in that same literary world, I just have to wonder where it’s going to end… The Washington Post…

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Foer and Krauss Expecting

In a news item that has been getting a lot of coverage in the book blog world, Jonathan Safran Foer cancelled some appearances in Houston last week. It seems he received the good news that he and his wife, Nicole Krauss, are expecting a baby. Lots of “witty” comments on this, but hey, give the…

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Vindicated, and it Feels So Good

With apologies to Peaches and Herb… last week we posted an item about how Jose Canseco is now, believe it or not, looking more and more believeable. In that post, we mentioned how The Miami Herald was reporting that Canseco had sold the rights to a second book about steroids in baseball. Now, The Baltimore…

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