Category: News

Calvin’s a Demanding Reader

Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbes fame, proves to be a very discerning reader. Check it out here.

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Lansdale Sells Film Rights

Publishers Marketplace is reporting that Slushpile favorite Joe R. Lansdale has sold A Fine Dark Line about a boy “consumed by the contents of an old tin box that carries the secrets of a small town’s past” to Traveling Light producer Adam Friedman who will also direct the effort. Lansdale is a great writer and…

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This is Almost Too Easy

I learned about this via the great website BookNinja. Shocking as though it may be, Victoria Beckham, also known as Posh Spice, has never read a single book. Not one. The British papers are reporting that she said in a Spanish interview “I haven’t read a book in my life,” she said. “I haven’t got…

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The Impacts of Amazon

CNN has an interesting article on the impacts Amazon has had on the industry. Check it out here.

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Here’s a Ray Bradbury Story Just Waiting to be Written

This is a really good cause so I don’t want to joke too much, but dang, this just seems like it could be a creepy plot in a Bradbury story here. Maybe a Twilight Zone episode waiting to happen. There were reports of a charity effort to benefit First Amendment Project, which defends the free…

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