Category: News

Mediabistro Editor Departs to Complete Novel

I’ve often referred to news items posted on mediabistro, a website dedicated to providing industry news to journalists, writers, editors, freelancers, photographers, and basically everyone who works with the written word. Elizabeth Spiers, the editor-in-chief of the great site, recently resigned her position in order to complete a novel and do some freelance work. In…

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Berendt to Appear at Powell’s

John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is scheduled to appear today at Powell’s in Portland. Supporting his new book, The City of Falling Angels, Berendt reads this tale of the “magic, mystery, and decadence” of Venice and its inhabitants. The folks at the bookstore are expecting a big crowd…

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Porn Star Didn’t Write Novel

Juggernaut porn company Vivid Entertainment and Thunder’s Mouth Press teamed up to release a series of erotic novels featuring some of their contract girls. The novels were supposedly written by the performers and also feature the ladies as characters in the plot. One book in the series, Vamp, lists Savanna Samson as the author and…

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Clapton Auction Closed

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that an auction was being held for the rights to publish Eric Clapton’s biography. I also offered my ghostwriting services to Slowhand, but so far, I’m afraid I haven’t heard anything. I’m sure their pleas for my help have just been delayed in the mail. Anyway, Publishers Lunch…

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Clevenger Quotes

A couple of times this week, I’ve talked about how good Craig Clevenger’s Dermaphoria is and I’m in the process of writing up an actual book review. I also intend to get an interview with Clevenger when I can; he’s been available but I’ve been swamped so I’m the bottleneck here. But in the meantime,…

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