Category: News

Master Pickup Artist Signs Book Deal

As you know, I recently reviewed The Game by Neil Strauss for PopMatters. Now, there is news that one of the book’s main subjects has signed a deal of his own. Publishers Marketplace reported that master pickup artist Mystery sold a book entitled The Mystery Method: How to Get Any Woman into Bed in 7…

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Frankfurt Book Fair Opens Today

The Frankfurt Book Fair opens today. Courtney Love is reportedly one of the big fish at the event, circulating a memoir entitled The Love Diaries that is close to being signed by FSG. Other early news out of the book fair is that organizers want to steer the discussion away from entertainment and more towards…

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Time Picks Top 100 Novels

The last thing we need is yet another top-anything list. But anyway, Time selected the 100 Best Novels from 1923 to Present. Check out their selections here. I will say that one interesting aspect of this list is that Time provides a copy of their original review when applicable. For instance, you can read what…

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Mediabistro Editor Departs to Complete Novel

I’ve often referred to news items posted on mediabistro, a website dedicated to providing industry news to journalists, writers, editors, freelancers, photographers, and basically everyone who works with the written word. Elizabeth Spiers, the editor-in-chief of the great site, recently resigned her position in order to complete a novel and do some freelance work. In…

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Berendt to Appear at Powell’s

John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is scheduled to appear today at Powell’s in Portland. Supporting his new book, The City of Falling Angels, Berendt reads this tale of the “magic, mystery, and decadence” of Venice and its inhabitants. The folks at the bookstore are expecting a big crowd…

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