Category: News

University Presses in Trouble

Bookninja picked up this great article about the precarious circumstances that currently bedevil university presses. And the article asks the toughest question: should a book that can’t manage to sell 500 copies even be published in the first place?

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Great Profile of Cannongate Boss

I keep coming across news and books by UK publisher Cannongate these days. Back in September, I discussed an amazingly artful limited edition of Robert Sabbag’s Snowblind. That rare book was published by Rebel, Inc, an imprint of Cannongate. And recently the publisher has been making the news for a series of books where contemporary…

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McCormick & Williams Open for Business

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Collins McCormick Literary Agency was disbanding. The news at the time was that David McCormick was leaving the firm, that the split was amicable, and that Nina Collins would continue under her own name. The agency was home to authors such as Elizabeth Kostova, Matthew Sharpe, Julie…

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MacAdam/Cage Website Launched

McAdam/Cage has been one of my favorite publishers for some time now. And the good news out of San Francisco is that they recently re-launched their corporate website. The new design looks great and the awesome catalog is presented to show all their fantastic books. Congratulations guys. Very well done.

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Miss Snark Agrees that to Answer is Divine

Longtime readers of Slushpile know that one of my biggest irritations is when editors (fiction or nonfiction), agents, journals, and publishers don’t respond to queries. Mistakes do happen and sometimes things fall through the cracks. I know some agents who haven’t responded to me about various submissions but in these cases I know that these…

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