There were numerous reports yesterday about big announcements from Amazon and Random House. First of all, the online retail giant unveiled Amazon Pages. The program allows consumers to view parts of a book online for a fee. Amazon did not provide details on pricing and no major publishers have signed up for the program. Meanwhile,…
A deal was announced yesterday that Harlequin plans to go in circles with licensed plotlines centering on NASCAR. The series begins with a Daytona 500 tie-in novel entitled In the Groove by Pamela Britton due in January 2006. The author’s website states that the heroine of the novel “wouldn’t know a NASCAR star if he…
Via Bookninja, I learned about this great Wall Street Journal article detailing writers in New Orleans who lost their work in the hurricane. One poor soul, who lost most of his writings to the flood, has now taken to wearing a flash drive on a cord around his neck. Sad story, really.
There have recently been some interesting defenses of Chick Lit by writers who say that female critics shouldn’t be complaining about all those pink-covered books that feature such emphasis on shoes and dating. Bestselling author Jennifer Weiner said in an article with the San Francisco Chronicle that she minored in women’s studies at Princeton and…
“The Block” in Baltimore is a city block that is home to dozens of strip clubs where Blaze Starr once held court, but that’s not what author Max Barry is talking about in a post on his great website. Instead, he’s talking about overcoming writer’s block. A fan wrote in and said they were stuck…