Category: News

Postal Rate Increase Affects Aspiring Authors

All you aspiring authors should keep in mind that the United States Postal Service is raising rates in early January. If you’re pumping out manuscripts now, then your self-addressed-stamped-envelopes need to start carrying the new amount of postage. According to this news release from the USPS website, the wheels have been set in motion to…

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Small Press Gift Giving Guide

Jarret Keene wrote an interesting twist on the ubiquitous gift giving guides we see this time of year. For the Tucson Weekly, ignored “what the big publishing houses in New York want you to buy” and instead picked some gift suggestions from “the small presses in America that consistently produce the tastiest writing, especially compared…

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Piazza Discusses New Orleans

Tom Piazza appears at Square Books in Oxford, MS today to promote his new book Why New Orleans matters. The book examines the city in political and cultural context after Hurricane Katrina, describing what it was, what it is now, and what it will be in the future. A signing/reception begins at 5pm , the…

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More on Writing Workshops

The enjoyable blog Bookninja always educates me while putting a smile on my face, but I did have to groan a little when they pointed out a new entry, published in the New York Press into the “are writing workshops worthwhile or worthless” discussion. I wasn’t groaning at Bookninja pointing it out, but just at…

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“Agent” Pleads Guilty

You might remember my July rant about Martha Ivery, 56, who was charged with mail fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and fraud in connection with an access device, all felonies resulting from her fraudulent literary agency. Sometimes, there is justice in the world. The Times Union posted an article yesterday that stated “Ivery admitted guilt to 15…

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