FOXSports is featuring an excerpt from an article written by Kobe Bryant. The piece appears in its entirety in Dime magazine. Kobe writes about his motivation, the desire to win, what it means to be a role model, and a little about his background growing up in Italy. We know that celebrities usually have…
Bookslut featured a post that they learned about from The Virginia Quarterly Review blog which I thought was interesting. Former Seattle Seahawk running back Kerry Carter is releasing a book of poetry, entitled Fiery Scenes of Seduction, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Carter, who was released by the Seahawks on September 3, 2005, recently…
I’m almost loathe to post this, since it only adds fuel to the whole self-publishing debate, but it is an interesting news item about an amazing accomplishment, so oh well. The informative industry news resource, Publishers Marketplace reported that Kathleen McGowan sold The Magdalene Line series of three thrillers to Touchstone, Fireside in a deal that was…
Besides being a hugely more talented writer than I’ll ever hope to be, Craig Clevenger is far, far more magnanimous in his treatment of the Leroy bunch. In this calm, measured, and well-stated open letter to Laura Albert, Geoffrey Knoop, and Sarah Knoop, Clev offers a wonderful suggestion for how some good can come of…
The publishing industry was abuzz yesterday afternoon with the announcement that French publishing behemoth Lagardère will acquire Time Warner Book Group. The deal is valued at $537.5 million. The French company has pursued a business objective of creating a portfolio in French, English, and Spanish. Publishers Weekly‘s coverage included a quote from Lagardère General and Managing…