Category: News

US Weekly Owes Me Four Bucks

  Bastards. I’m expecting a personal check from Jann Wenner for four U.S. dollars.

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Company Reviewed

Max Barry’s entertaining new novel was reviewed by Stanley Bing in Sunday’s Washington Post. Bing liked the novel tremendously. Although he felt the characters were a little hollow, which undercut some of the reader’s emotional investment in their lives, the book was still “laugh-out-loud funny, its humor driven by all the pleasure that a true shock…

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So That’s Why I Haven’t Heard From That Editor

Gawker received a leaked email from Conde Nast Publications yesterday detailing their email problems. According to the Executive Director of Information Systems & Technology, the publishing goliath is “experiencing unusually long delays in the delivery of out-going email from several of our New York offices.” Which absolutely explains why I haven’t received my acceptance from The…

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Summers Signs Book Deal

  Also on the always informative Publishers Marketplace was a news announcement that Andy Summers, guitar player extraordinaire and former member of The Police, signed a book deal in Britain for his autobiography. Entitled One Train Later, the book goes “from his early days on the Bournemouth and London music scenes to the height of world-wide…

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Acting Quickly On This One

  No doubt salivating at getting the Scott & Laci Petterson crowd to open up their wallets again, book folks are already encircling the Neil Entwistle case. Publishers Marketplace ran a report yesterday that Brian McDonald has sold an untitled nonfiction book on Entwistle, the British man accused of murdering his wife and baby in Massachusetts to St.…

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