There’s nothing like talking to an old friend. Or maybe not a friend per se but someone who came from your same small town. Or someone who worked the same job you did. You reminisce about past experiences and you remind each other of the great things you’ve forgotten. Interviewing Cynthia Shearer was like sharing…
Most how-to-publish books are garbage. I’ve mentioned one or two that I like but the vast majority of them provide nothing more in-depth than “target the publishers you submit your work to… don’t submit your horror gorefest about alien foot fungus to Harlequin Romances” and so-called advice like that. I’ve got a shelf full of…
I must admit a little bit of hero worship here. Years ago, when I first started trying to build a writing career, I heard the old bit of advice to look at my favorite authors and find who their editors and agents are. I don’t remember where I read that adage or if someone told…
Earlier this year, Publishers Weekly mentioned five books that were contenders to the Da Vinci throne. One of those titles was The Third Translation by Matt Bondurant. There were a couple of things that caught my attention about this author and made him stand out in my mind from the usual marketing hyperbole. First, he…
It is clear that God, or fate, or destiny, or whatever force you believe in has marked John McManus as a writer. His life is too full of serendipitous events, coincidences that defy logic, and having doors opened when he didn’t even know there was a portal there. In anyone else’s life, this would just…