Category: General

Holiday Catch-Up

  I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that you’ve had enough time to recover from your revelry. The Year 2006 is already here and we’re looking forward to a great new year at Slushpile. Thanks to everyone for reading these past six months or so and if there is anything you want us to…

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Booker Prize Novels Rejected

  These exercises are depressingly predictable. Part of me wants to get riled up about this, part of me wants to accept it as inevitable, and part of me just wants to go back to bed. But, it’s still an interesting news item. The Sunday Times in Britain posted an article about British publishers who rejected…

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Happy Holidays

Posting will probably be somewhat sporadic over the next couple of days as I spread literary holiday cheer amongst my family. We’ll be back on a regular schedule towards the middle of next week. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a fantastic and safe holiday season!

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What, Exactly, Qualifies Haunted As New Fiction?

I was fighting the crowds in a Barnes and Noble the other day, pushing aside old ladies buying kitty calendars for their grandkids and moms piling up those Klutz children’s books that drove me bananas when I worked at a bookstore. I turned the corner and noticed something very odd. Chuck Palahniuk’s Haunted was piled…

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National Novel Writing Month Recap and Results

Well, as most of you know, I started off the month of November with the best of intentions for completing National Novel Writing Month. Unfortunately, I didn’t complete my 50,000 word assignment, but I did have a great time with the experience. Event founder Chris Baty said that 59,000 people signed up and almost 10,000…

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