I had a temporary blip with my email system this morning. The server was rejecting emails until early afternoon. So if you’re one of the super-cool folks I met at BEA, or a publisher who wants to give me $500,000 for the first four chapters of my unfinished teen novel, I might have missed your message. Please email me…
Whew. It was a long, exhausting, but immensely fun weekend at Book Expo America. Sorry for the lack of posts. Internet access was in short supply and time was even more lacking. Every minute seemed to be filled with someone to talk to or something to see. Top it off with a delayed flight and I…
From the always-informative Bookslut, I learned about Tyler Cowan’s article on Slate about the value of independent bookstores. In What Are Independent Bookstores Really Good For? Not Much, Cowan argues that “Our attachment to independent bookshops is, in part, affectation—a self-conscious desire to belong a particular community (or to seem to). Patronizing indies helps us think…
The days are ticking down until me and the Slushpile.net posse rock da hizouse at Book Expo America. The nation’s largest publishing event, BEA attracts over 2,000 exhibits and publishers. I’ll be at the convention on Friday, so it might be a quiet day for my humble book blog. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up during…
Arthur Spiegelman explains how, despite being ravaged by the critics, The Da Vinci Code became one of the best-selling novels of all time. Nick Owchar, deputy editor of the Los Angeles Times Book Review says that “my theory is that non-fiction sells better than fiction and this book has a heavy concentration of history and purported facts…