Category: General

A Bag Full of Bats

  Between Tuesday’s 6-6-06 festivities, revisiting a few of my favorite occult books that would have scared the bejesus out of my sweet Southern-Baptist grandma, and preparing a Demon Theory interview, I’m afraid I’ve been locked in an epic struggle with Asmodeus and his legion of evil soldiers from the Ninth Plane of Hell. Therefore, I…

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The Devil’s Library

As the sun rises on this frightening day of 6-6-06, I’m reflecting upon yet another sign of the impending apocalypse. There are so many omens in our culture that the end of time is near, but last night might have been the final harbinger. VH1’s The Fabulous Life typically features rappers you’ve never heard of but…

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Greenspan Selects Co-Author

According to one report, Alan Greenspan has chosen a co-author for his upcoming memoir. The former chairman of the Federal Reserve signed a reported $8.5 million deal with Penguin Press and has selected Peter Petre to assist with the writing chores. Petre is a senior editor at large for Fortune magazine and co-authored best-sellers with General…

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The OA Picks the Best of the South

  The Spring 2006 issue of the Oxford American examines the Best of the South. Much more than a simple recitation of the same old tired things we hear about all the time, the OA writers turn in odes to some of their favorite things. Food expert John T. Edge (who was featured as a judge on…

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Happy Friday

Happy Friday everyone. It has been a crazy ending for my week, so I apologize for the slow Slushpile. I’ll get caught up this weekend and we’ll back to normal speed next week. Have a great weekend.

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