Category: General

Reading Resolutions

I’ve been meaning to tell you about this excellent post for a while… Earlier this month, I suggested a few writing resolutions that might help you jumpstart your literary year. But how about some great resolutions for improving your reading habits? Scott Esposito at Conversational Reading provides some excellent tips on how you can “take stock…

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Grab Bag ‘o Links

The Elegant Variation points out this Jonathan Yardley article that states the amazing thing about the The Great Gatsby is “not merely that it is Fitzgerald’s masterwork but that it is the American masterwork, the finest work of fiction by any of this country’s writers.” I can’t say I disagree. Although Faulkner’s work might feature more literary pyrotechnics,…

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Where Have All the Good eBay Times Gone?

  I’m listening to Van Halen’s Diver Down disc and, as I enter the URL for eBay, the cymbals fade in and the bass line starts for Where Have All the Good Times Gone?. Eddie’s rhythm parts kick in as I click on the link to buy Books. Diamond Dave sings, “Will this depression last…

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Attention Grabbing Covers

It’s amazing how some book covers just shout from the shelves, grab your attention, and demand your focus without looking at anything else. I don’t know why certain covers are effective, they just are. Of course, the whole effective thing is highly subjective. One book cover that just sucks me in every time I go…

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2007 Writing Resolutions

While you’re contemplating your New Year’s resolutions of losing weight, paying off the credit card, finally completing that 10,000 piece Alf puzzle, and teaching the cat to paint, don’t forget to plan your writing goals for the upcoming year. Almost every self-help or motivational text explains the importance of setting goals. But you shouldn’t just set broad,…

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