Category: General

Remember When Cleveland Hated Lebron?

Fresh off the Hollywood-perfect ending of bringing a championship to the long-suffering fans of Cleveland, the praise for Lebron James will certainly hit new levels of genuflection. Without a doubt, it’s a great story. But if you’re looking for a great sports book to read, don’t overlook the time when James was reviled for the…

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Funny, and Harsh, Review of the Zuckerberg Book

Sam Grobart has an amusing, and pretty harsh, review of Randi Zuckerberg’s new childrens book, Dot. over at BloombergBusinessweek. I’d be curious to see the artwork of the book given that Grobart points out the sum entirety of the opus is a whopping 101 words. Wow.

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The Dangers of Ghostwriting

Over at Salon, Anna Davies offers her experiences with ghostwriting and shares “My dirty secret writing life.” It’s an interesting look into the world of book packagers and those folks who churn out amazingly popular titles. Now, as one of the commentors suggests, in some ways, ghostwriters are no different than the ranks of studio…

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Will Finishing a Book Change Your Life?

GalleyCat referenced an interesting post by Arthur McMahon in which he expresses a bit of amazement at the fact that “Completing a novel didn’t change my perception of life like I expected it to.” Some commenters at GalleyCat claimed they didn’t expect completing a novel would have any change, they write for themselves, not riches…

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A Laugh at Lousy Book Covers

A reader passed along this Tumblr account, dedicated to Lousy Book Covers. Now, obviously, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that, so yeah, maybe this one shouldn’t be included or that one isn’t that bad or whatever. But it’s at least a pretty humorous gaze through the results of ten minutes…

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