Category: General

But Seriously, Will He Remember?

> So by now, you’ve undoubtedly seen the news that Rolling Stone guitarist Keith Richards sold Little, Brown and Company the rights to publish his memoir. The ticket price was reportedly a staggering $7.3 million. Other reports place the amount somewhere in the range of seven to eight million. Regardless, it was enough to make Richards’s…

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No Shortcuts to Pitching a Television Show

As you know, I’m a huge advocate of learning as much about the publishing industry as possible. I believe that writers (or most of them, the ones who don’t possess innate incendiary talent that demands attention, and how many of those are there, really?) need to follow the publishing industry news, they need to know…

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Almost Pulled Under with Work

  I’ve been drowning in work the last couple of weeks, but I believe I’ve pulled myself to safety. So hopefully we’ll be back to normal operations here around the library. Hope you’ve been doing well.

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Calling All Guitar Heroes

I’m working on a project where I need to reach some rock guitar heroes. Some of these guys were staples of the eighties and are now not as well-known. Some remain rock stars on certain levels. I’m working through various personal websites, record companies, publicists, and other gatekeepers to track these guys down. But if…

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Hannah Puts on His Silk PJs and Slippers

I am officially declaring a temporary moratorium on “I read it for the articles” jokes for this post. It’s too easy and obvious. But I was thrilled to see Barry Hannah’s name on the front cover of the latest issue of Playboy. No, they’re not doing some kind of layout with writers standing around looking…

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