Tod Goldberg writes an an interesting article on TV show and movie novelizations for the LA Times. Me? I’m hoping to write the tie-in that short-lived Emeril Lagasse sitcom.
I’ve been oddly fascinated with the Olympics recently. In past years, I kinda swore off the event because it just seemed like too many human interest stories and not enough sports. Certainly, it requires a tremendous amount of perserverance and hardwork to reach a lofty goal such as participating in the Olympics. But in previously, they…
Anna Richenda provides a handy-dandy site that allows you to build your own rejection letter. Simply select the appropriate clauses from the drop-down lists and within seconds, you’ve got a snazzy new rejection! [via Literary Rejections on Display]
Ron at Galley Cat recently took part in a presentation on how writers can improve their pitches. Read the entire article about his chat here. The part of this article that really caught my attention was when Ron mentioned three prologues as effective pitches. One of his suggestions, Romeo & Juliet was definitely literary. But the…
The Book Design Review has an interesting post on three books with super hero-themed designs and cover art. I gotta admit that Soon I Will be Invincible has to be one of my favorite titles in recent memory.