Joshua Henkin, author of Matrimony and Swimming Across the Hudson is an energetic and determined writer and lover of literary books. A creative writing teacher, he’s gracious with an interview, follow lit blogs and book review pages, and generally works hard to promote his own writing and that of others. This week brought news of…
Everytime we struggle to sit down at the desk and write, everytime we find it hard to stare at a blank page, everytime it seems the laundry or mowing the grass is more pressing than writing, just think of those poor sportswriter souls who have to cover the Detroit Lions football team. As the team…
It’s been a busy few days for me, but here are some interesting links I’ve stumbled across. Some relate to books, but some don’t. –Sports writer Mark Kriegel mentions an economic crisis idea from Tim Smith of theDaily News: Make the oil companies bail out the auto industry. Exxon Mobil announced profits of $14.83 billion…
Galley Cat has featured frequent updates and additional information on the virtual collapse of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt during the week. Today, the Cat provides insight from a senior staffer who was among the 200 people laid off this week. “The adult trade division has been crippled to the extent that books in production cannot be…
A couple of interesting links today, because I simply can’t bring myself to regurgitate any more details about the bloodletting that occurred in the publishing industry yesterday. First, JA Konrath comes through with a good post on discipline. Konrath always provides concrete, useful advice and this post is no different. “If you choose to write…