Category: General

Super Bowl Books

So, we’re now accepting bets on how long it will be before deals for Super Bowl related books will be announced. I’m guessing we’ll hear news within the next two weeks. Last year, New York Giants wide receiver went from relative football obscurity to national hero with his astounding catch in the Super Bowl when…

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Coverage of Washington Post Book Coverage

Earlier this week, it was announced that the Washington Post is doing away with it’s standalone Book World publication. This followed some period of conjecture and speculation by critics and online observers. Ed has a great roundup that contains a number of different perspectives on the issue. Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that more than…

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Promoting Your Work in Tough Times

Galleycat has an interesting postabout how Paul Malmont, author of Jack London in Paradise, led his own promotion activities through Twitter, Facebook, and other means.

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Richard Yates in USA Today

There’s a good profile of Richard Yates in USA Today, based on the success of the film version of Revolutionary Road. I had no idea he lived in the same house that John Cheever later occupied.

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Don’t Fear the Reaper

On the flight home from Los Angeles, I finished Josh Brazell’s Beat the Reaper. It’s a fun book and a quick read. I’ll have more on it shortly…

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