A number of Slushpile readers have emailed questions about the activities regarding this first week of my first book’s release. One of the questions was, “What’s the most surprising thing about the release?” And my answer might surprise you. Before that, I need to explain something about myself: I’m pretty good and juggling multiple responsibilities…
Recently, I wondered why authors don’t produce t-shirts and other items in a similar manner to musicians and other artists. Today, GalleyCat pointed out that Eat, Pray, Love gear was featured on the Home Shopping Network. Now, this might not be your particular taste or something that you would want to do for your own…
At the Huffington Post, Anis Shivani provides a photographic run-through of the 15 most overrated contemporary American writers. I don’t agree with all his choices, but still, it’s an invigorating argument to get the juices flowing on a Monday morning. As part of the problem, Shivani claims that “The MFA writing system, with its mechanisms…
It’s been a busy week here (hence, the lack of posts) but a good one. On Tuesday, I received a box full of copies of my first book from the publisher. It’s a major milestone and feels fantastic. Check out this photo… It’s proof that you can survive the rejection letters, the aloof agents and…
NBA superstar LeBron James’s recent announcement that he would play for the Miami Heat next season brings (thankfully) a close to one of the biggest media maelstromstrom in sports history. So I’m wondering how long it will be before we see news of a “LeBron to the Heat” book sale. World soccer icon David Beckham’s…