Hi folks. As you have probably noticed, we’re experimenting with a new theme and some other goodies here at Slushpile.net. So please pardon our dust for a few days while we shake everything out.
Well, in all honesty, I guess I can’t really say that Cormac McCarthy was robbed of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Mario Vargas Llosa is a worthy winner even if I wasn’t pulling for him.
But what’s most worth discussing (possibly to the point of revealing some glaring literary inadequacy in myself) is that Cormac McCarthy’s possibility of receiving the Nobel is the only time I’ve really gotten fired up about the award, the only time I felt like cheering, somehow rooting on an author, as though I were watching a sporting event. I mean, I wanted to wear a Blood Meridian T-shirt yesterday and invite pals over for a beer to await the announcement.
Life feels like it is finally getting back to normal here at the Slushpile.net libraries… After months of interviews, publicist meetings, travel obligations, and general craziness related to the release of my first book The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales, things seem to be settling down to a more…
Aspiring authors often get frustrated at the lack of feedback from agents who decline to represent our books. But literary agent Rachelle Gardner makes a great analogy to explain the thought process of rejecting agents: “”When you walk through the department store looking for clothes, do you stop at every single item of clothing and…
Years ago, aspiring authors struggled in a sort of abyss, with no information about the publishing industry and process available. Maybe you had some colleagues who could provide a few tips. Maybe you relied on some out-dated books for strategies and techniques. But as a whole, information was pretty lacking. Nowadays, with all the information…