Author: Scott McKenzie

Cellphones Everywhere

I believe I first noticed it while watching the film The Departed. A friend leaned over to me and said, “This whole movie would be impossible without that gadget.” I really started to notice it in Entourage. And now, it’s starting to creep into literature. Cellphones, of course. They’re everywhere today. I’m convinced that people…

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Independent Bookstore Successes

Or, at least survivals. The great Bookninja points to a particular letter to the editor that argues not all independent bookstores are dying. In fact, the owner of Seattle’s Mystery Bookshop wants the media to pay more attention to how small shops can indeed thrive. “Reacting to the closing of one bookshop by saying it is another…

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A Calendar of Good Lit

Dan at the Emerging Writers Network is the hardest working man in the lit blogosphere. So you should definitely check out his site frequently. In fact, with one particular post, you can even update your calendars. With his post, “What I’m Looking Forward to in 2008,” Dan provides a month by month schedule of great literary releases…

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Bond Stamps Released

I’m not a collector but it’s pretty cool that the British postal service has released a set of James Bondstamps to celebrate the birthday of author Ian Flemming. “I’m delighted to see that the most famous super-spy is once again in the service of Queen and country and will be appearing on millions of items of…

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Eugenides Profile

Novelist Jeffrey Eugenides is the subect of a nice, long profile in Britain’s Telegraph. “I remember when I was 16, reading The Catcher in the Rye and recognising what felt like truth and authenticity – something that spoke to my existence without cant,” Eugenides said. “That was a response that coloured my entire life and directed…

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