Bookninja points to an article about Canadian author winning the literary lottery. Perhaps more interesting than this tale of a first-time novelist getting a $1.25 million advance is the rundown of bigtime advanaces at the end of the article.
Here’s an interesting article on self-publishingby the San Jose Mercury News. Unfortunately, they got the fact about John Grisham and A Time to Kill wrong. As Grisham explained to me in 2006, A Time to Kill was published by Wynwood Press. The company went out of business and he purchased the remaining copies. He then sold…
Galleycat pointed out that Leo Babauta recently launched a new blog about writing called Write to Done. It’s a neat site with good advice in the few entries already posted. Leo plans to update the site with new articles twice weekly so the helpful writing hints will surely keep coming. Check it out often.
Author Russell Banks is profiled by Reuters. “I thought I was going to be an artist, a painter, not a writer,” Banks tells the news service. “I didn’t have much of a literary bent but I did for painting because I had a visible talent. It’s like music. If you are talented it shows early on…
One of the most anticipated fiction debuts of the year hits New York City tonight as Mark Sarvas reads from his forthcoming novel, Harry, Revised as part of the Boxcar Class of 2008 reading series at 8pm. The event is at the Boxcar Lounge, 168 Avenue B in New York. You probably already know…