Author: Scott McKenzie

And You Thought You Had a Lot of Books…

The New York Times features a great article by Alberto Manguel about how he selected his home, in large part, because it could house his 30,000 volume library.

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Writers and Favorite Obscure Books

The Village Voice published an an interesting rundown of authors such as Jennifer Egan and Donna Tartt selecting their favorite obscure books. Some cool choices on this list. Egan’s seems particularly intriguing. So let’s hear it. What’s your favorite obscure book?

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The Wall Street Journal published an article on the economics of publishing new James Bond books. Literary author Sebastian Faulks, who said he rarely read thrillers previously, has written a new Bond tale set for release in a couple of weeks. Also of note in this article is the mention that a new Indiana Jones…

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Prince to Release Book

Numerous sources recently reported that Prince will release a book in the fall. 21 Nights will be published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. The book is a photographic essay that is the result of an unprecedented look into the musician’s life. I waver on Prince’s music. I adore some of it, and I just…

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Literary Trash Talking

Cormac McCarthy is overrated. Or, should I decide to target a more commercial gargantuan like J.K. Rowling? Either way, I’m looking for a literary giant so I can talk trash about them. Maybe if I make some asinine comments about them, it will attract attention for to me. Prior to the start of the playoffs,…

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