Author: Scott McKenzie

Blame it on the Bookkeeper

Having a hard time accepting that last rejection? Then stop hating the editors and blame it on the bookkeeper. Poets & Writers is reporting that a bookkeeper run amok was responsible for rejecting writers who submitted to Academy Chicago. According to the article, the issue came to light when the editors “noticed that their ‘big…

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How Can I Get a Gig Like This?

This has nothing to do with books, but I found this article infuriatingly eye catching. Seems Alan Fishman signed up to be the CEO of Washington Mutual three weeks ago, just prior to the bank’s collapse. His pay for that temp job? $19 million. “To be fair, Fishman wasn’t the one that took WaMu down…

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Junk Bonds, Blue Chips, and Publishing

I learned about this great post from Ed last week and meant to share it with you and then just got swamped… Levi Asher makes a fantastic comparison of the similarities between banking and publishing. “Big hits like Da Vinci Code and Cold Mountain inspire book executives to take great risks on possible future successes,”…

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Literary Sales Figures and Success

As we’ve discussed in this space before, sales figures are one of the great mysteries of publishing. Unless you have a Neilsen BookScan account, you’re pretty much playing a guessing game about how much this person sold versus that person. Galley Cat points to this post by Moonrat on what, exactly, is a good sales…

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The Quickness of Crisis Books

We often complain about the slow pace of publishing. And while those criticisms are sometimes absolutely valid, it’s amazing at how quick the industry is to jump on a topic. Yesterday, Publishers Weekly had an article on all the financial crisis books snatched up by publishers recently. “Though the situation on Wall Street continues to…

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