Author: Scott McKenzie

How to Move On

Deciding when to move on from a story (or book or poem or play or whatever) is a challenging choice that bedevils many writers. On the one hand, there are those romantic notions of “never give up on your work!” but on the other hand, there is no doubt that as an author you must…

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The Writing Version of the Dry Heaves

So as you know, I’m not generally a fan of how-to writing books. I always make sure to mention my favorites (Pat Walsh’s 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published… and John Dufresne’s The Lie that Tells a Truth definitely deserve a place of honor on your writing shelf next to John Gardner…

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Celtics, Lakers, and Lost Bets

Although I generally like to think of myself as a man of honor, I must admit that I’ve been severely lacking in this one instance. Way back in June when the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers were playing in the NBA Finals, I placed a bet on Kobe and the boys to win. Obviously,…

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Short Turnaround Book Proposals

I’ve often marvelled at how some of these current events books get pitched, written, and published so quickly. Well, the New York Observer has an interesting article about a Sarah Palin book proposal that was making the rounds. In the article, literary agent Curtis Yates says, “The intent was to finish the book by a…

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Bondurant Reviewed on

Louis Bayard reviewed Matt Bondurant’s new novel, The Wettest County in the World for The novel, based on Bondurant’s grandfather, deals with crime, corruption, and moonshine in the hills of rural Virginia. “Bondurant’s bootleggers are eminently touchable and, even in their worst moments, touching,” Bayard writes. “This is a lyrical and riveting book about…

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