TJ Sullivan has a nice piece on rejection. “This is the writer’s life, and I’ve no intention of doing anything else but continuing to write books,” writes Sullivan. [via Literary Rejections on Display]
I have to admit that I don’t read a great deal of horror, but to celebrate Halloween this year, I picked up Poe’s Children: The New Horror: An Anthology edited by Peter Straub. This collection has work by Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Carroll, Stephen King, Elizabeth Hand, and others. So tonight, after an evening of tricking,…
Galley Cat is reporting that former Guns ‘n Roses drummer Steven Adler is sending out a proposal today for a memoir entitled My Appetite for Destruction. The book deals with his drug addictions and efforts to hold onto sobriety. Undoubtedly, it will also contain his perspective on the excesses of the Guns as well as…
Sports fans have probably become accustomed to the term escapability over the years. Primarily used in reference to football quarterbacks who have the ability to scramble and avoid the rush, the word is freqeuently bandied about in pregame shows. For example, Mark Kelso, color commentator for Buffalo Bills radio broadcasts, told ESPN that “You can…