Author: Scott McKenzie

Discipline and Hunger

A couple of interesting links today, because I simply can’t bring myself to regurgitate any more details about the bloodletting that occurred in the publishing industry yesterday. First, JA Konrath comes through with a good post on discipline. Konrath always provides concrete, useful advice and this post is no different. “If you choose to write…

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A Year of Doing What You’re Supposed to Do

I enjoy these books where someone “does something.” Even when they do it for a specified period of time, which occasionally makes it seem more like just a way to get a book deal as opposed to actually exploring something important in their life. I like the work of AJ Jacobs, I enjoyed Pete Jordan’s…

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Best Book Designs of 2008

The Book Design Review selected the best book covers from 2008. Check out the covers and see which ones you liked best. I believe my favorites from this list are Things I’ve Learned From Women Who’ve Dumped Me and Company of Liars.

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Publish Your Rejection Letters

Literary Rejections on Display posted this request for submissions from Bill Shapiro. Last year, Shapiro published Other People’s Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See and now he’s working on a book about our favorite thing: rejection letters. As LROD points out, Shapiro’s work in progress will be published by Random House,…

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Bozza and Lange Hit #1

I had gotten a tip about this midweek, but I waited for official confirmation before posting anything… Too Fat to Fish entered the bestseller list at number one this past weekend. That’s quite an accomplishment and what a way to kick of a holiday week. Congratulations, Artie and Anthony.

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