In The Elfish Gene: Dungeons, Dragons, and Growing Up Strange, Mark Barrowcliffe describes a life most of us can understand. In this funny and endearing memoir, Barrowcliffe details his life-consuming obsession with the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. As a child, the writer was a socially awkward, self-described “nerd.” Attending an all-boys school, growing…
Many observers have argued that small presses have the best shot at succeeding in this challening economy. Those independent publishers can be more nimble is reacting to market conditions, they can carve out specialized niches, and they can maintain a more personal relationship with customers than the mega-conglomerates. That seems to be working for at…
Earlier this week, it was announced that the Washington Post is doing away with it’s standalone Book World publication. This followed some period of conjecture and speculation by critics and online observers. Ed has a great roundup that contains a number of different perspectives on the issue. Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that more than…
Breaking news… CNN is reporting that John Updike, bestselling author of the Rabbit books and many more, has passed away. More information as it becomes available.
Galleycat has an interesting postabout how Paul Malmont, author of Jack London in Paradise, led his own promotion activities through Twitter, Facebook, and other means.