Publishers Marketplace reported news yesterday of a new Raymond Carver biography being sold: “Michael Hemmingson’s RAYMOND CARVER: A Critical Biography, an interpretative approach to Raymond Carver’s life, placing the writer’s biography within the context of American history, politics, economics, and the literary landscape of the time, examining the content of the short stories in relation…
Aspiring authors are frequently advised to read their target markets, try to discern editorial tastes, and learn from published writers. As useful as those tips can be, it is also infuriating when you read an article that defies belief. I was in doctor’s office recently and picked up the February 2009 issue of Conde Nast…
. The film version of Bret Easton Ellis’ Informers is scheduled for release next month and the movie trailer is beginning to make the rounds on the Internet. You can see view the trailer and sign up for email alerts at this website. Although I’ve heard the film dropped the vampire subplot from Ellis’ book,…
This weekend, I spent some time catching up with the Fifty-Two Stories website produced by HarperPerennial. Complaining about the lack of outlets for short stories has, unfortunately, become a favorite pasttime for literary folks lately. More and more of the major magazines are cutting back on their fiction slots and the tough economic times have…
MSNBC has an article about a guy working a job in every state in the nation. Daniel Seddiqui gets a gig in each state’s most famous industry, works there for one week, meets the people, and explores the surrounding area, before moving on. This quest is similar to Sean Aiken’s adventure working a different job…