Author Joe R. Lansdale got 2018 off to a rousing start with a landslide of writing advice on his social media pages. For example, here was an entry on January 5: “Waiting on inspiration may be the worst idea of all time, at least from my perspective. You are your own inspiration. It isn’t coming…
The lawsuit that Milo Yiannopolous filed against Simon & Schuster is available for viewing, which means you can read his book without purchasing it, in case you’re interested but don’t want to contribute to his cause. Click here to see the exhibits. Publishing industry observers have focused on editor Mitchell Ivers’ more aggressive comments about…
Knopf is tagging along with another Scandinavian publishing phenomenon. This interesting article in Publisher’s Weekly details how Swedish agent Niclas Salomonsson convinced executives to sign up Lars Kepler. Kepler is the pen name of a husband-and-wife duo who have sold 11 million copies around the world, but failed to crack the United States market. The…
Not every author who wins a Pulitzer Prize ends up sitting on a pile of money. But Herman Wouk seems to have done well for himself over the decades. He just listed his Palm Springs estate for $2.5 million. The 102-year-old writer won the Pulitzer in 1951 for The Caine Mutiny. His home was previously…
“He was certainly one of his men, he had wanted to sign him at any cost after being won over by his performances at the World Cup in South Africa, but he had been excluded from his inner circle, because his detractors — probably correctly — say, he wasn’t part of the group of players…