Author: Scott McKenzie

Back to Normal

It’s back to the grindstone here. I was in Antigua last week working on a magazine article and Internet access was a bit more elusive than I figured. The Internet in my hotel was down and the wi-fi at the local coffeeshop next door was the equivalent of a 1996 dial-up. Hence, the lack of…

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Black Dogs

If, like me, you’re struggling to cheer up on this tax day, then pop down to your local bookstore and spend whatever meager amount of money you might have left on Jason Buhrmester’s debut novel, Black Dogs: The Possibly True Story of Classic Rock’s Greatest Robbery. It’s a tremendously fun read, full of seventies rock…

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Notes on Money

For aspiring authors, the topic of book advances is murky and mysterious. We read about the massive payouts to a very, very select few others. But no articles are written about the vast majority of $20k and $30k and even lower advances that are dished out to the vast majority of writers. On the other…

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McInerney Reviewed in NYT

Longtime readers of know that I’m a huge fan of Jay McInerney’s work. And I have to admit that sometimes it feels like I’m the only one out there. So I was pleased to see Janet Maslin’s largely positive review of McInerney’s new collection, How It Ended in yesterday’s New York Times. “His stories…

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Jones and Kindling

Being the luddite that I am, I have to admit that I haven’t goofed around with a Kindle yet. Hell, I’m not completely convinced this whole internet thing is going to last anyway. So it will probably be about 2019 before I tackle any digital books. However, novelist and pop culture fan Stephen Graham Jones…

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