Author: Scott McKenzie

Jim Carroll, Dies at 60

I was doing some traveling over the weekend so I didn’t previously hear about the passing of Jim Carroll, author of The Basketball Diaries. Here’s a good overview of his life and work.

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Best Southern Novels of All Time?

The Oxford American has released a list of the best Southern novels of all time. I’m sure they did this slightly tongue-in-cheek because these kinds of lists always generate endless hours of debate. Yet, it’s hard to argue with their choices. Be sure to keep an eye on the magazine’s site, as they will be…

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Newsweek Looks at Noir

This is a bit old, from early August, so you might have seen this already. But if you missed it the first time (like me), be sure to check out Malcolm Jones’s examination of noir books in Newsweek. Jones points out how noir is suddenly a hot genre, with respected authors writing about smoking guns…

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Handling Writing Income

Agent Kristin has a very detailed, fact-filled post about how to handle your writing income. As she explains, she’s not a financial advisor, so everyone needs to take these tidbits into consideration with their own expert counsel. But still, this is a great post with important details for us all to think about. Oh, and…

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Les Paul Dead at 94

This is fairly breaking news… and a shattering blow to guitar geeks like me. The legendary Les Paul passed away from complications from pneumonia. Check here for more details.

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