Author: Scott McKenzie

Why AC/DC Matters, Matters

In bestselling author Anthony Bozza’s new book, Why AC/DC Matters we get the kind of impassioned art criticism that is normally relegated to websites, fanzines, and independent publishers. Now, in the sake of full disclosure, Bozza is a friend and business colleague of mine. So take these comments with a grain of salt if you…

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Calendar to a Book Deal

Aspiring authors often get enraged at the lack of true, specific information about publishing. We’re constantly told, “There’s no standard timetable for a publisher to respond.” You can substitute timetable for dollar amount or print runs or book tours or literary groupies or type of wine served at booksignings or anything else you can imagine.…

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The Major Release Today

This is a website about books and publishing, so you would think all the news regarding a major release would focus on Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. However, I think there are enough publishing outlets covering that news event so I’m going to indulge in another one of my passions today. My obsession with guitars,…

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Jim Carroll, Dies at 60

I was doing some traveling over the weekend so I didn’t previously hear about the passing of Jim Carroll, author of The Basketball Diaries. Here’s a good overview of his life and work.

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Best Southern Novels of All Time?

The Oxford American has released a list of the best Southern novels of all time. I’m sure they did this slightly tongue-in-cheek because these kinds of lists always generate endless hours of debate. Yet, it’s hard to argue with their choices. Be sure to keep an eye on the magazine’s site, as they will be…

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