Many aspiring authors cling to their manuscripts, afraid to show them to the world, out of fear that their ideas will be stolen. A post today on GalleyCat directly addresses this fear. There is a perception that “mammoth-sized Hollywood studios that are scowling through their slush piles concocting plans to steal hot ideas from struggling…
In the middle of last week, I was re-organizing some book shelves (or, to be honest, vainly attempting to create some organization) and pulled a number of sports books down. On top of the pile was the 1997 book Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court by John Wooden with…
The New Yorker released it’s list of the best (or most worth-watching or coolest or hippest or whatever criteria) writers under the age of 40. The list is in conjunction with the magazine’s special double-literature issue that will be released this coming Monday. Here’s the rundown of the names (along with ages) courtesty of The…
Esteemed literary journal The Paris Review has launched a daily blog. In the introductory post, editor Lorin Stein writes, “Taking inspiration from the Review’s founding editor, George Plimpton, our mode will be participatory journalism, our beat the arts. We will write about what we love, not as critics, but as participants—as amateurs in the Plimptonian…
Seems that bestselling vampire writer Anne Rice is selling her home (at least one of them, that is) in an effort to downsize. Although most readers probably associate Rice with New Orleans, this news article points out that she is selling a 9,000 square-foot pad in the desert near Palm Springs. Purchase the home, move…