Author: Scott McKenzie

Outdated, Stodgy, Ivory Tower Attitudes that Cripple Writers

Writers (including me) love to bemoan the current state of publishing, the small advances, the dwindling to non-existent marketing budgets, the lack of readers, the short attention spans of American readers, the influence of text messaging on language, and the dearth of suitably hip coffee shops to hang out in. In short, we complain about…

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Douglas Coupland Launches Fashion Line

Douglas Coupland, author of Generation X, Microserfs and many others has launched a fashion line. According to published reports, the goal of the enterprise is to”‘”explore a new way of seeing Canada’ far removed from ‘birch bark and moose and Mounties’.” I recently asked how authors can make more money. Presumably, this fashion line isn’t…

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Timing for the Next Round of LeBron Books?

NBA superstar LeBron James’s recent announcement that he would play for the Miami Heat next season brings (thankfully) a close to one of the biggest media maelstromstrom in sports history. So I’m wondering how long it will be before we see news of a “LeBron to the Heat” book sale. World soccer icon David Beckham’s…

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Put Some Bozo Back in Your Life

It’s been an exciting –and hectic– time here at headquarters. There are now less than 6 weeks to go until my first book is published. The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales by Larry Harmon, co-authored by yours truly, will be released from HarperCollins on August 17, 2010. I’ve…

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Another Ho Hum: Surprise! The New York Times Hates Bret Easton Ellis

It seems like every other day, someone in our bookish blogging world offers a theory for why major media book coverage is shrinking. Generally, these concepts involve the economy, the proliferation of blogs, the short attention spans of today’s consumers, and a few little green martians. But today, I’m going to offer another, admittedly outlandish,…

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