Author: Scott McKenzie

New Article in Premier Guitar

For those of you who might enjoy hard rock history and strange bits of trivia, check out my article in the new issue of Premier Guitar. Legendary axe slinger Slash is famous for his top hats and his arsenal of Gibson Les Pauls. But on the seminal Guns ‘N Roses debut record, Appetite for Destruction,…

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Catching Up, or Replinishing the To Be Read List

Life feels like it is finally getting back to normal here at the libraries… After months of interviews, publicist meetings, travel obligations, and general craziness related to the release of my first book The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales, things seem to be settling down to a more…

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Rejecting Agents Are Like Department Store Shoppers

Aspiring authors often get frustrated at the lack of feedback from agents who decline to represent our books. But literary agent Rachelle Gardner makes a great analogy to explain the thought process of rejecting agents: “”When you walk through the department store looking for clothes, do you stop at every single item of clothing and…

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Morrell Releases Kindle Exclusive

According to press releases bestseller David Morrell is releasing several previously unpublished books exclusively on Amazon’s Kindle e-reader. “Publishing these 10 books in the Kindle Store is a great opportunity to explore how electronic publishing enables me to give my readers additional, unique content,” said Morrell in the press release. “Available at $9.99 or less,…

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NPR Writing Contest, Judged by Michael Cunningham

I don’t enter many writing contests, although lots of people do so with surprising regularity. Some folks approach contests as a way of generating a name and building up a resume. I don’t follow that prescription, but I do like to sometimes use contests as an exercise, to try something a little different, and pursue…

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