Author: Scott McKenzie

The Velvet Planning a Re-Design

Some writers have fan forums dedicated to discussing their work. And some groups of aspiring authors have forums to chat about their emerging careers. But there aren’t many examples of forums that combine these two topics. Which is why I’m such a fan of The Velvet, a community that grew up because of a shared…

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Barry Hannah’s Long, Lost, Happy

It’s been a hectic late fall and early winter, so posts have been pretty light here at, as you’ve probably noticed. We’ll be back to a more normal schedule this week and then moving like clockwork in 2011. But in spite of the busy days and all-nighters, I was so glad to spend Thanksgiving…

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New Theme, Maybe, and Some Other Changes

Hi folks. As you have probably noticed, we’re experimenting with a new theme and some other goodies here at So please pardon our dust for a few days while we shake everything out.

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McCarthy Wuz Robbed!

Well, in all honesty, I guess I can’t really say that Cormac McCarthy was robbed of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Mario Vargas Llosa is a worthy winner even if I wasn’t pulling for him.

But what’s most worth discussing (possibly to the point of revealing some glaring literary inadequacy in myself) is that Cormac McCarthy’s possibility of receiving the Nobel is the only time I’ve really gotten fired up about the award, the only time I felt like cheering, somehow rooting on an author, as though I were watching a sporting event. I mean, I wanted to wear a Blood Meridian T-shirt yesterday and invite pals over for a beer to await the announcement.

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Countdown to Nobel

The countdown is on to tomorrow’s announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature. I’m pulling for Cormac McCarthy so place your bets now! Check back tomorrow for more thoughts on the Nobel announcement.

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