Author: Scott McKenzie

Come One, Come All: Why Publishing is Drowning in Submissions

Everyone involved with writing and publishing complains about the volume of submissions. Aspiring authors lament the astronomical numbers of competing submissions. Agents and editors constantly talk about how they’re inundated with proposals. And certainly every aspiring author has inwardly groaned every time Aunt Mildred talks about how she wants to write a book and how…

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Digital Tomfoolery in Publishing: Anonymous Book Proposal Shopped

According to The New York Observer, a controversial and secretive group known for attacks on credit card servers, Wall Street protests, and other forays into civil disobedience is shopping a book. The group in question is Anonymous which reportedly (according to Wikipedia, and we know everything there is fact) originated in 2003. More recent targets…

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Ten Tips for Submitting Stories

Over at The Millions, Josh Rolnick presents a great overview of helpful hints for submitting short stories to journals and magazines. Ten Things I’ve Learned Over 12 Years of Sending Out Stories provides classic, evergreen things that we should all remember. Tip #3 the list is to shoot for the stars at the beginning of…

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Pardon Our Dust

Please pardon our dust as we undergo some construction here at As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, we’ve installed a new theme and will be working out the kinks in the coming days. But we have some cool interviews coming up so be sure to check back regularly. Thanks for reading!

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Larry Brown Bio Reviewed in WSJ

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Carl Rollyson examines Larry Brown: A Writer’s Life by Jean W. Cash. The late, great Southern literary icon’s strengths and weaknesses as a writer and a man are described in this book. I’ll have my own comments on Larry Brown: A Writer’s Life shortly. But in the meantime, it’s simply…

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