Author: Scott McKenzie

Lish to Return

[Originally posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2005] Publisher???s Weekly is reporting that seminal literary figure Gordon Lish is talking to publishers about a return to the editor???s desk. The article states ???Lish, who for much of the ???90???s was teaching at places like Columbia, has of late been fielding manuscripts from new and unknown literary…

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If You’ve Got the Money, Honey, I’ve Got the Time

[Originally posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005] I don???t know why that old Willie Nelson lyric popped into my head?ΔΆ probably because I wish I had the funds to attend this workshop. The fine folks at Tin House are putting on a great writer???s workshop from July 9th through the 16th. It looks like it???s…

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Barksdale Funds Literacy Program

[Originally published on Tuesday, June 14, 2005] CNN has a nice report on the positive impact the Barksdale Reading Institute is having in Mississippi. Founded by former Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale, the organization endeavors to improve the ???preliteracy??? skills for preschoolers and reading for children in kindergarten through the third grade. The institute provides books…

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Agent Moves: Cabot to the Gernert Company

[Originally posted Thursday, June 23, 2005] Publishers Lunch is reporting that Stephanie Cabot, the former managing director of the William Morris Agency???s office in the United Kingdom, will join The Gernert Company next week.

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Agent Moves: Karchmar to William Morris

[Originally posted on Wednesday, June 1, 2005] Agent Dorian Karchmar has been named a literary agent at the William Morris Agency. She was previously with Lowenstein-Yost Associates

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