Author: Scott McKenzie

BoD: House of Thieves

There???s a new feature we???re going to run here at Slushpile. We???ll highlight a Book of the Day and try to introduce you to some good books, some overlooked books, and some weird books that catch our attention. For the time being, I???m going to denote these posts with the acronym BoD, which is unfortunate,…

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BoD: The Dark Fields

There were a spate of books and stories a short while ago about smart drugs (or other mechanisms) that made people become suddenly super-intelligent, or super-power, or even super-sexy. Even Thom Jones got into the act with a short story about a guy who finds this technique that makes him confident and irresistible. But the…

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BoD: Bitter Milk

From the youngest writer ever to receive the prestigious Whiting Award comes a novel of mystery, questioning family, and the search for truth. John McManus???s Bitter Milk tells the story of Loren Garland, a nine-year-old boy in Tennessee. Loren never knew his father and his mother is shunned by family and the community at large…

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BoD: Bad Cat

Normally, I get a little twitchy and my teeth begin to chatter when I stand in line at one of the major chain bookstores and I look around and see what appears to be millions of little five, six, and seven dollar gift books, everywhere, peeking around every corner, stacked on every cash register, and…

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BoD: The Cliff Walk

The Cliff Walk: A Job Lost and a Life Found is a warm and emotional memoir from 1997 continues to resonate today with professionals in so many industries either out of work or facing career insecurity. Don Snyder taught at Colgate University and was frequently nominated by the Student Honor Society for the ???professor of…

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