I owe you an apology. I’m afraid that was derelict in my journalistic duty and you, dear reader, are going to suffer for it. But without a phone-recorder, I was forced to type and take notes during my conversation with writer and tale-teller-extraordinaire Mike Magnuson. And the bouts of uncontrollable laughter, the tears running down…
Ambidextrous with language, John Dufresne possesses the best of both worlds. A child of the North, Dufresne lived for many years in Lousiana, and now in Florida, where he learned the love of storytelling that is a hallmark of the South. His writing balances the northern need for economy and effeciency with the southern love…
Here’s how the submission process goes when you’re an unknown and the publishing industry hasn’t yet realized that you’re a writer. You spend hours online, or sifting through The Writers Market looking for places where you have a chance of being published. Everyone has their own strategy, their system, and when you talk to other…
Kaye Gibbons wrote an essay for the Winter 2005 issue of the The Oxford American about how amazed she is at the number of people who are writing. Or claiming to write. I feel the same way because it seems every person I meet is working on a novel, story collection, or screenplay. I always…
A form rejection slip came in the mail today which, given the outright silence of so many places I’ve contacted, is actually a welcome sight. Rejections don’t generally bother me. They are a fact of life in this business and you’d better get used to them, like a chef gets accustomed to hot grease popping…