Author: Scott McKenzie

Profile of James Frey

CNN has a good profile of James Frey, author of A Million Little Pieces and, most recently, My Friend Leonard. I loved Frey’s first book and, as a side note, I thought it had one of the coolest covers in a long time. Haven’t read his new one yet, but I’m looking forward to it.…

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Interview: Cynthia Shearer, Author

There’s nothing like talking to an old friend. Or maybe not a friend per se but someone who came from your same small town. Or someone who worked the same job you did. You reminisce about past experiences and you remind each other of the great things you’ve forgotten. Interviewing Cynthia Shearer was like sharing…

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Bidding War for Potter Mistakes Down Under

eBay has an interesting battle going on between two sellers in Australia. One person, located in Rowville, Victoria, AU is offering a copy of the new Harry Potter printed upside-down, back-to-front. Asking price? $10,000 AU (which is approximately $7,492 American). The seller wonders if the boy wizard cast a spell on the book. But there’s…

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If You’re a Fugitive, Isn’t Your Reputation Already In Shambles?

Fugitive filmmaker Roman Polanski has been allowed to testify via live video link in his libel case against Vanity Fair. Polanski is now 71 and lives in France, a fugitive from American justice, having fled the country after pleading guilty to the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl in 1977. Vanity Fair is sold in…

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Libraries for Coffee Shops?

MediaBistro picked up an interesting article in The Chronicle of Higher Education that highlights the shocking disappearance of books from college libraries. Thomas H. Benton (a psuedonym of a professor at a Midwestern liberal arts college) writes “What does it mean when the University of Texas at Austin removes nearly all of the books from…

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