Author: Scott McKenzie

When Potterites Attack

MobyLives has an interesting item about the uprising of Harry Potter fans determined to squelch criticism of their favorite book. David Kipen panned Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and said that the problem isn’t that the novel is dull per se because there are moments resembling suspense but rather “the main problm is that…

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More Freed Discussion

This heatwave is really starting to piss me off. Seriously. I’m beginning to take this personal like. I walk to work and by the time I get to my office, sweat is dripping off my face and pooling in my keyboard. But my grandma always told me to count my blessings so I think how…

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Batman Influenced by Fight Club?

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this post if you plan on seeing Batman Begins and you don’t want to know about the ending. I was recently re-reading a section of Fight Club and I was struck by the similarities to the new Batman film. For those of you who aren’t concerned about spoilers, read more…

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Irvine Welsh to Write… a Romanace?

BookSlut picked up a report from The Scotsman that said Irvine Welsh’s new novel follows the adventures of Daniel Skinner who not only discovers that his father is a gay chef working in San Francisco but he also meets an American girl and ends up falling in love. The report stated “the writer, whose books…

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Photos of Hemingway Look-Alike

CNN has photos of Bob Doughty, a Florida mailman, who won the recent Ernest Hemingway look-alike competition in Key West. Also at the event, organizers welcomed Richard Hemingway, 44, of Davison, Michigan, who is the fourth and youngest child of Ernest Hemingway. “‘I was born five days before Ernest died,’ said Richard Hemingway, who recently…

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