Author: Scott McKenzie

Drugs, Vomit, and No Novacaine on Oprah

This was on all the book blogs last week during our power outage, but if you happened to miss the news, Oprah recently reversed her strategy of picking classics only for her book club. And the new selection is James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces. It’s an interesting selection for a couple of reasons, but…

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Hot New Deals

There were a couple of interesting book deals that caught my eye last week. –Our pals at MacAdam/Cage locked up Marshall Karp’s The Rabbit Factory which centers around a series of murders targeted toward a California theme park. James Patterson says that Karp “could well be the Carl Hiassen of Los Angeles” which is high…

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BoD: On Celtic Tides

In sharp contrast to the coke-snorting, chick-grabbing, crowd-rocking antics of the music books I’ve recently been re-reading, On Celtic Tides: One Man’s Journey Around Ireland by Sea Kayak by Chris Duff provides a nice slow meditative pace. Duff’s twelve hundred-mile circumnavigation of the Emerald Isle provides both thrilling moments of adventure in the sea and…

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Under Construction

As you undoubtedly noticed this week, we were down for a few days. I suppose that server crashes are a fact of life when you run a website that generates no revenue and is really just a hobby-turned-obsession. But, in an effort to make sure something doesn’t happen again, we’re switching servers this weekend. So…

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Interview: Vicki Hendricks, Author

Many noir or crime novels start right off with the dastardly deed. Frequently, there’s a dead body, or a strategy for robbing a bank, within the first twenty pages. Vicki Hendricks, however, manages to draw the reader in long before there’s ever any criminal activity. The author of Miami Purity, Iguana Love, Voluntary Madness, and…

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