Author: Scott McKenzie

Vampire Novel Breaks New Ground

Ron Charles points out in the Washington Post that vampire stories are old, over-done, and generally worn out. He describes the decline of the nosferatu by writing “At this late date can anyone draw more blood from the story? Buffy gave up the ghost in 2003. The WB drove a stake through the heart of…

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Interview: Chris Baty, Author

I recently spoke to an aspiring author who was obsessed with developing his “signature style.” This well-intentioned person knew that to make it in publishing, you have to present something different, something special. He kept referring to this something as his signature style. I suppose he saw it as his version of the secret sauce.…

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King to Publish Dark Tower Graphic Novel

Publishers Weekly reported that Stephen King has agreed to write a graphic novel as his next installment in the Dark Tower series. The project is scheduled to be published first as a comic book periodical by Marvel Comics in the spring of 2006 and then released as a hardcover edition in the fall of that…

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Herding Feral Cats in Brooklyn

Our patron saint John, whose battles with wild cats in his neighborhood have reached Caddyshack proportions, will enjoy this one… Nina Malkin sold a manuscript entitled Trap! Neuter! Return! A Feral Family Saga to Ann Treistman at The Lyons Press. The book describes the years the author has spent in Brooklyn dealing with a pack…

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University Presses in Trouble

Bookninja picked up this great article about the precarious circumstances that currently bedevil university presses. And the article asks the toughest question: should a book that can’t manage to sell 500 copies even be published in the first place?

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