Author: Scott McKenzie

James Patterson from a Business Perspective

A couple of the blogs are talking about a profile of bestselling author James Patterson that appeared in the New York Times recently. The article wasn’t in the books section, but rather, the business pages of the newspaper. Patterson, who the article states made $40 million last year, “has had four hardcover books on the…

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Screenwriter Sells Fiction Thriller

Guillermo Arriaga, screenwriter of 21 Grams, Amores Perros and others, sold thrillers entitled The Sweet Smell of Death and The Guillotine Squad to Atria. Laura Dail of the Laura Dail Literary Agency represented the author.

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Dispute Over Reports of Potter Returns

While no one can deny the Harry Potter craze and the amazing numbers it generates, there is a dispute brewing over just how many of those door-stopper novels are going to be returned. The Independent reported in an article on October 30 that there are 2.5 million copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince…

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Last Day to Sign Up for NaNoWriMo

On Friday, we featured an interview with National Novel Writing Month founder Chris Baty. Today’s the last day to sign up for the even so I suggest you head over to their website soon. Baty wrote No Plot? No Problem! as a companion piece to writing a novel in a month. In the book, Baty…

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What Exactly Qualifies this as News?

This is what makes people question the media these days… Last Thursday, The Christian Science Monitor ran an article on the nature of self-publishing. The article, that interviews a self-published author, quotes a couple of industry experts, and details the obstacles that these authors face. My question is why anyone would consider this new information…

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