There were numerous reports yesterday about big announcements from Amazon and Random House. First of all, the online retail giant unveiled Amazon Pages. The program allows consumers to view parts of a book online for a fee. Amazon did not provide details on pricing and no major publishers have signed up for the program. Meanwhile,…
A deal was announced yesterday that Harlequin plans to go in circles with licensed plotlines centering on NASCAR. The series begins with a Daytona 500 tie-in novel entitled In the Groove by Pamela Britton due in January 2006. The author’s website states that the heroine of the novel “wouldn’t know a NASCAR star if he…
I’ve recently been re-reading Joyce’s Ulysses so this item caught my eye while I was trawling eBay looking for toast burnt by the stigmata and Britney Spears’ bra… First edition, 11th printing May 1930, the last printing of the legendary first edition of Ulysses, published by Shakespeare & Company. Joyce’s signature is laid in on…
Joe R. Lansdale is one of our most prolific writers. Author of twenty books, and more published short stories than my mathematically challenged brain can count, Lansdale effortlessly moves between the horror, science fiction, humor, western, and literary genres. I’ve only recently begun to delve into his immense pile of work and I think it…
The October/November issue of Bookforum presents two interesting reviews. The first is Sam Lipsyte’s review of The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil by George Saunders. You might remember Saunders briefly describing this new book in our interview back in August. The second is Minna Proctor’s examination of Veronica by Mary Gaitskill. Both are insightful…