Author: Scott McKenzie

Interesting Interview with William T. Vollman

Bookslut has an interesting interview with William T. Vollman, famous for his immersion in the cultures he writes about, and after this piece, soon to be famous for writing screenplays in five or six hours. Good stuff here so be sure to check it out.

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Pornified Review Misses One Key Criticism

Megan Rosenfeld’s The Trouble with Smut review in Sunday’s Washington Post examined two recent books about the way pornography and exhibitionism are changing the way men and women interact. The review focused on Pamela Paul’s Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families and Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise…

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Kudos to Akashic

There are few things about being an aspiring author that I hate more than when I do everything I’m “supposed to do” and order back copies of a journal, read them cover to cover, examine the submission guidelines, examine the website and online submission guidelines, put together my manuscript properly, send in my SASE, only…

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Baer and Clevenger Reading a Rousing Success

Last week, I mentioned my envy of Portland residents as Will Christopher Baer and Craig Clevenger were descending upon Powell’s Books for a joint signing. Reports from the field are that it was an amazing evening of literature. Clevenger took the stand first and read selections from chapter 1 and chapter 10 of Dermaphoria. Baer…

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Baer and Clevenger to Appear at Powell’s

Habitual readers of Slushpile know my huge admiration for neo-noir writers Will Christopher Baer and Craig Clevenger. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting these gentlemen in person, but I’ve been told numerous times that a Baer or Clevenger reading is not to be missed. Therefore, I’m incredibly envious of people in the Portland, OR…

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